Read the Room. Nothing makes sense.
November. This month has become one of the most challenging months I've seen in a long time. I wish I were all alone on this island of "What in Actual Fuck is Going On?" But I am not, and how do I know this? I've read the room, spoken to people in the room, and asked, "How are you?" So many people I know have been feeling a deep sense of grief. Whether grief is related to political exhaustion and fear of what's next, holiday grief of feeling like they do not have enough to make the holidays joyful, grief from personal challenges, or the grief of celebrating the holidays when you are missing someone who is no longer here.
In 2016, during the last go around of "please get me off of this Godforsaken rollercoaster that I didn't sign up to ride on" (ironically enough, it was also one of the most heartbreaking elections, and here we are again), I decided to put up my tree on November 16th. Typically, like many others who celebrate Christmas, I wait until the day after Thanksgiving to put up my tree. That was the rule, right?
Since I couldn't control what was happening around me, I decided that I could control what was happening inside of me and inside of my home. That meant it was time to rewrite the rule around the Christmas tree, and any other similar bogus rule that society has imposed upon me and I unquestioningly accepted, for that matter.
So, there I was, 34 years old, newly single, dragging my tree up from the basement, Fa La La La La'ing, while my cats were watching and probably judging me. But my tree was up, and I was happy for the first time in weeks.
This year, my tree(s) went up on November 3rd—yes, tree(s). We now have 3 three of them throughout the house, one being a miniature one in our son's room.
The Christmas Tree represents the birth of Jesus Christ for those who have accepted Him, the Lord and Savior. His birth, like the tree, means light and goodness to come. It is a sign of hope. It helps boost positive emotion by acting "as if" (not the non-practicing therapist talking psychology again....). If we act as if the holiday joy will bring us joy, move over, Grinch; just like your heart began to expand, so will the joy. (Get in, buddy, we're going to the Holiday Cheermeister.)
If you decorate the outside of your home, this is also a way to spread joy to others in your neighborhood, helping boost the spirits of others without even knowing you may be doing it. *Jesus likes this.*
For what it's worth, we're decorating earlier and earlier for Christmas because we need the happiness in our lives. We need the joy. If you let it, this world will take everything from you, but it can't take your ability to bring yourself a tiny bit of happiness.
So, make your own rules and go ahead and put up that Christmas Tree. Not that you need it, but you have my permission.
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