I never expected to meet Deb. From the moment we met, I felt a solid connection to her. Deb is a gentle soul, and she is a bit timid. However, Deb and I get closer every time we see one another. She has stopped by often over the past few weeks. We sit outside together and share snacks. I talk to her. She listens. She doesn't say anything back. She just listens while enjoying whatever fruit or vegetable I had for us that day.
Deb is also a deer. I started feeding her by tossing her food; now, she approaches my hand for her snacks.
Relationship building involves time spent together, communication (verbal or nonverbal), and shared feelings. It requires showing up and showing yourself. Deep, connected relationships require vulnerability. It's an investment. Trust, essential for every healthy relationship to thrive, requires consistency.
Consistency. How can any relationship thrive and survive without it?
For example, if I fed Deb every day and she trusted me as I got closer if I did something to scare or harm her, our relationship would take a few steps back. Relationships are fragile and easy to break even across species. The best way to recover from broken trust is to trust ourselves first. And that is something that takes quite some time to learn.
Deb showed up at quite a time in my life, bringing two of her male friends (maybe her sons), and at a time when I needed to revisit trusting myself and the bigger picture. It's ironic how that happens.
Random thoughts complete.
It's time to sit in the trust and let the path unfold.
Thanks, Deb.
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